
Discover all the events of this edition of the Crespi Cup 2023, meets the great world protagonists of bonsai, suiseki and pottery art. 



Technical demonstration of bonsai “Shaping of a conifer chuhin”, by MINORU AKIYAMA
Speech in Japanese, English and Italian




  • 6.30
    Official inauguration of the 14th International Bonsai & Suiseki Meeting – Crespi Cup 2023 open to the public 

    “Traditional ceremony of Keido, by master KUNIO KOBAYASHI – III Iemoto of Keido –Speech in Japanese, English and Italian


  • 10.30
    Guided tour of the exhibition “What to observe in a bonsai to fully appreciate it”, accompanied by a master MINORU AKIYAMA
  • 10.30-12.30
    University of Bonsai space, free lesson: “Root pruning – a fundamental operation”, by master NOBUYUKI KAJIWARA
  • 11.00-12.30
    Conference: “The evolution of the bonsai pot: from ancient to modern”, demonstration to follow: “Creation of a 3D ceramic bonsai pot from the Crespi Bonsai Museum”by IGOR CARINO
    Tea ceremony: “Smile and peace in a cup of tea”, by YOKO TAKADA
    Demonstration of bonsai technique “Creating of a rock landscape”, by MINORU AKIYAMA
  • 2.30-6.30
    University of Bonsai space, free didactic laboratory: “An idea for your bonsai: tips and advices for the shaping”, by the students of the University of Bonsai and by Gaetano Settembrini
  • 2.30-4.00
    “Free origami workshop”, dedicated to children aged 8 to 14, by Agnès Paganelli
  • 3.00
    Guided tour of the Crespi Bonsai Museum, by the museum curator, the master NOBUYUKI KAJIWARA – to be booked – 20,00 €
  • 3.30-5.30
    Tea ceremony: “Smile and peacin a cup of tea”, by  YOKO TAKADA
    Conference “The evolution of the aesthetic values of bonsai from classical to contemporary: images and beauty”, by MASSIMO BANDERA
  • 9.00
    Gala dinner with prizes awarding of the expositions “Crespi Bonsai-Shohin-Suiseki and Pot Cup
    Reservation is  requested before September 9th

  • 10.00-11.00
    Conference: “Yugen, words and pictures are not enough”, by EDOARDO ROSSI
  • 10.30-12.30
    University of Bonsai space,
    free lesson: “Master Kajiwara’s secret technique: 3 bud pruning”, by master NOBUYUKI KAJIWARA
  • 11.00-12.30
    Tea ceremony “Peace and harmony in a cup of tea”, by YOKO TAKADA
    Lesson on suiseki: “The 10 most famous stones in the world”, by master KUNIO KOBAYASHI. At the end of the lesson master Kobayashi will be at the disposal of enthusiasts for an evaluation of their stones Speech in Japanese, English and Italian
  • 2.30-5.00
    Technical demonstration of bonsai: “The concept of bonsai by master Kobayashi, in search of the essentiality and naturalness of the specimen”, by master KUNIO KOBAYASHI, MINORU AKIYAMA and RAFAL KLIMCZEWSKI – Speech in Japanese, English and Italian
  • 2.30-6.30
    University of Bonsai space, free didactic laboratory: “An idea for your bonsai: tips and advices for the formation”, by the students of the University of Bonsai
  • 3.00
    Guided tour of the Crespi Bonsai Museum
    , by the museum curator, the master NOBUYUKI KAJIWARA, to be booked – 20,00 €  (English language)
    Tea ceremony: “Peace and harmony in a cup of tea”, by YOKO TAKADA
  • 6.00
    Prize-giving of the exposition-contest “Enthusiasts’ Exhibition 2023” and closing ceremony


© 2025 Crespi Bonsai - S.S. Sempione, 35 - 20015 PARABIAGO (MI) - Tel +39 0331 491850 -