Crespi Cup 2015

Crespi Cup 2015 - Home page

Crespi Cup 2015

Crespi Cup 2015

Parabiago 11 ▪ 20 September 2015

Logo Crespi Japan Crespi Bonsai partner of the Japanese pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

Crespi Cup 2015


On-line registration

With this form it is possible to ask for the on-line registration in one or more competitions.

As an alternative it is possible to download the form to be printed and sent by post to Crespi Bonsai; form and information are available on the page “Registration form".

It is possible to participate in more than one competition, but it is not possible to submit more than a bonsai, pot or suiseki for each competition.

The registration demands will be examined according to the regulations of every competition and, in case of accepted demand, you will receive proper communication and information.

We ask you for entering your personal identifying data, paying attention to the obligatory fields marked with an asterisk.

After transmission you will receive an automatic e-mail for reception confirmation, on which you will find the e-mail address to which you can send the photo of the work or the works (plant, pot or suiseki) you wish to submit.

Private data








Zip Code*:




Mobile phone:



Data concerning the competitions

It is necessary to fill in only the sections concerning the competitions you wish to participate in, leaving the others empty.

Sez. 1 - Enthusiasts' Exhibition ● 11-13 September ● Bonsai Data

Botanical name:



Height (cm):


Width (cm):


Ø of the trunk (cm):

Sez. 2 - Suiseki Cup ● 11-20 September ● Suiseki Data




Height (cm):


Width (cm):


Depth (cm):

Sez. 3 - Pot Cup ● 18-20 September ● Pot Data



Height (cm):


Lengh (cm):


Width (cm):


Date (year):


With the transmission I authorize the treatment of my personal data according to the Italian Law (Dlgs n. 196/2003 - Notes on the Privacy).


For information

CRESPI BONSAI - Corso Sempione, 35 - 20015 Parabiago (Mi) ITALY
Tel. 0039 0331 491850 Fax 0039 0331 559410


Presentation | Crespi Bonsai Cup | Crespi Shohin Cup | Enthusiasts' Exhibition | Crespi Suiseki Cup | Crespi Pot Cup

On-line Registration | Registration Form | Information | Privacy